Evolved Mastery
Evolved Mastery hosted by Princeton Clark is a show dedicated to uncovering and activating the power of personal mastery. Since its conception, Evolved Mastery has evolved and so has its impact! Every episode is packed with wisdom. Princeton sits down with successful entrepreneurs, business owners, visionaries, and more to uncover their personal strategies for mastering purpose and potential. Through powerful conversations and guest interviews, you will learn the strategies, tools, and resources needed to powerfully step into Mastery and manifest your power, purpose, and potential. Listeners will learn from an array of personal stories, insights, and strategies for staying motivated and inspired and taking control of creating the life of their dreams. Tune in to become and evolve into the powerful creator of your own destiny. Get Connected • IG and Twitter: @princetonclark • www.princetonclark.com • Email: pclark@evolvedmastery.com
Evolved Mastery
Episode 39- Redefining Your World: A Radical Approach to Personal Evolution
Have you ever felt like you're running in place, chasing the same goals but getting nowhere? In a heartfelt shift from typical discussions, Princeton takes listeners on a transformative journey through the essence of personal evolution. This episode of Evolve Mastery forges a path through life's illusions, focusing on breaking free from patterns that tether individuals to a stagnant existence. The conversation delves into the power of genuine connections and aligning with core truths to move from survival to thriving. Plus, listeners are introduced to an exciting opportunity to rejuvenate their spirits at a retreat designed for disconnecting from life's uproar and rediscovering authentic selves.
- Let go of external validation and focus on being present in your life.
- Question the meanings you have given to things and choose your own experiences.
- Break free from the delusion and illusion of societal beliefs and expectations.
- Create a life of joy, peace, and love by choosing your own reality.
Visit www.princetonclark.com and check out the Blog, Time to Rise Inspirational Album to listen to messages over music to inspire and uplift you and get your day going. If you have been seeking a space to retreat, recharge, and get away from the noise, check out the Rejuvenated Soul Retreat happening May 27th-30th, and much more!
If you are an entrepreneur looking to create a more holistic approach to manifesting a life of fulfillment and freedom that will take you to the next level, check out the Next Level Mastery Monthly Membership Program! Or, if you are just looking for some new reading material, check out my best-selling book, Awakening Your Inner Master, and my other book Warrior of Love, Speaker of Truth!
If you are looking for a coach and you are ready to fully step in and take your power mack to finally start living a life that is filled with purpose, connection, power, and flow, then set up a strategy session to see if coaching is a great fit for you!!
Hey, what's going on guys? Welcome to this episode of Evolve Mastery, princeton Clark here. I hope you guys are doing well. You know, I came on today and I had this idea for what I was going to do on this podcast and what I was going to discuss, but I'm feeling led to move in a different direction. But before I launch off into this conversation today because that's ultimately what this is going to be it's going to be a conversation, right, but I just want to give you guys some quick updates.
Speaker 1:If you missed the last podcast on letting go of the lies, definitely go check that out. You don't want to miss it, especially if you're in a place in your life and you're trying to figure out. Why do I keep creating the same reality that I keep creating? Why am I not getting the results that I truly desire to get? Why do I feel like I'm stuck? Why do I feel like my relationships are out of alignment? Why do I feel like, every time I go to create this life that I say I want, why do I seem to fall back into the same habits? Why do I seem to fall back into the same routines, consciously? What is happening? What am I doing and what can I do differently to create something new? What will it take in order for me to truly live a life that is fulfilling? If any of those speak to you, then you want to go back and you want to check out the last episode, episode 38, where I talk about letting go of the lies, breaking free Now, right now.
Speaker 1:I have a lot of things going on right now, guys, so I just updated my website, princetonclarkecom. A lot of new things on there. I also mentioned that on the last podcast, but a lot of new things are on the new website. I have a retreat that's coming up in May. That's going to be the 27th. I have a retreat that's coming up in May. That's on the 27th through the 30th and it's the rejuvenated soul retreat, because I realize, you know, a lot of people are so stuck in the noise and they just need a space where they can come, take the mask off, take the weight of the world off, take their personified idea of self off and really just go deeper. They've been feeling this shift, they've been feeling this calling. They know that something has to change. The world is changing, their lives are changing, things are manifesting or being stripped away from them really fast and they know that they're being called into something new, but they don't really know how to navigate it. They're trying to figure out.
Speaker 1:Okay. Well, how do I move into this? What is this experience? I want to become more consciously aware. I want to experience more fulfillment. I want to experience more joy. I want to experience more peace.
Speaker 1:And they're saying I just don't know where to begin. Or maybe they're saying I just need space to just be with myself, be with other people who are on this journey, gain deeper insights, because what I know isn't serving me anymore. All the things that I've tried to do are not moving the needle anymore and getting the results that I really want. I'm tired of just doing it, just to be doing something. I'm ready to go into a state of being that brings more joy into my life, brings more peace into my life, expands and enhances love and connection in my life. I'm ready to start truly living. I'm tired of surviving in an experience that is not true to me. I'm ready to go back to a soul level. I'm ready to unlearn the things that do not honor this experience that I call my life. If that's you, go over to PrincetonClarkcom. Check out the website, just go down to where you see retreat and you can get all of that information. But I want to add value to your lives, guys, so I'm always doing something for my entrepreneurs out there.
Speaker 1:I have a monthly membership program right now. It's the next level mastery mentorship program and it's a holistic approach to creating a life of purpose, building a legacy. If you are a business owner or you're an entrepreneur, you're looking for a community. You're looking for a space where you can get weekly insights, hear from people who have done the work and people who are implementing the practices holistically in their life, who don't focus on the hustle and bustle of life, they're not in the hustle culture, they're not so lost in the noise. If that's you and you're looking for a space where you can also have weekly Q&A group coaching calls, right now, the next level mastery program is only the next level mastery program is only $55. Right now, the next level mastery program is only $55. And if that's something that you've been looking for, if that's something that you feel like would really serve you where you are, then you definitely want to check that out. But there's several other things on there as well. Well, there's, but there are several other things on there as well. I also have my inspirational audio that's Time to Rise, and I have a new blog that's also on there. So, if you like reading blogs or you're looking for deeper insights, you want more clarity. I believe there's about 17 on there right now and I have many new ones that are going to be on the way, but I'm just trying to create different ways to add value. Also, if you are looking for coaching, if you are in a space where you're like I'm tired of doing this on my own, I'm tired of investing in people, different situations and it's not really taking me deeper.
Speaker 1:My space in self mastery has been a major focus for the past two decades and I've been able to work with people from all over the world. I've been able to impact thousands of lives potentially millions of lives over the past 20 years through various mediums being on different stages, being interviewed on different podcasts, speaking, sharing things across different social media platforms and being shared across other people's platforms. I've been able to impact a lot of people's lives, but, more than anything, what I take the most conscious pride in is the ability to create spaces for people where they can just show up and just be human, be raw and really have a safe space to unload the things that they've been carrying, to make room for the things that they are required, to make room for the growth, to make room for the peace, to make room for the love, to make room for the vision, to make room for the skills and the different gifts that they have, and then guiding them on a journey to show them how to actualize those different things in every area of their lives. And so I invite you guys to join me if you guys are seeking something like that. Now, moving forward, we are about to launch off into season three of the Evolve Mastery podcast. I have a lot of new interviews. I have a lot of new episodes that I'm going to be posting.
Speaker 1:You know I've gone on this journey, guys, and every time that, especially being in the personal professional development space, I felt this push to do more episodes and I would say, oh right, all right, and I would say, all right, we got some new episodes on the way. I would always feel pulled back within myself, and you guys know me. If you've been following the podcast long enough, you know that I'm always going to listen to my spirit first, and I'm always going to go deeper. I'm always going to be, observe and pay attention to where I'm being led, and so I really took a hiatus, professionally speaking, for a while. Last year was a big year to just focus on me, probably one of my most successful, one of my most challenging years ever, you know, as far as a coach, a speaker, a guide, but it took me very deep.
Speaker 1:It gave me a lot of opportunities to really observe the world, to really look at what's happening, why it's happening, and to pay attention to this collective story, the collective ideals and ideas that people are living their lives by, and I began to see why so many people are so stuck, and so I wanted to have a conversation today around the topic, around the topic of escaping the illusion. Letting go of the lies was what we. Letting go of the lies is what we talked about on the last podcast, but it's time to wake up from this illusion. We live in this collective illusion right now, where everything is so noisy and you guys are going to hear me talk a lot about this in some coming episodes, just from different perspectives.
Speaker 1:But I was watching a video yesterday and it was and and it really challenged me to speak on some of these things that I'm going to be talking about today, because I realized that a lot of the noise out there is happening because people, even those who are waking up, don't really know how to navigate it, because a lot of the framework that we are stuck in, a lot of the programs that we're stuck in all are encapsulated in these various levels of perception that have been taught into us, even starting with the basic idea of language and communication, right as a man think. It's so that man becomes. And I realized that in this world it's human nature to try to define things and make sense of things and give meaning to things. And I realized that the reason the collective consciousness right now is so lost and even those waking up feel really just bombarded by all the noise, is because we have to start taking a step back. We've gotten too lost in what this means, or what that means, or who I am or what can I be, and we've gotten out of the idea of simply being present and in many cases we just don't know what that truly means. And so I'm going to talk about, you know, escaping the illusion, learning to be present in your life, tuning out what is for you or what is tuning out what is not for you, so that you can tap into what is in flow for you.
Speaker 1:And I did a post on my Facebook before doing this podcast and I was talking about how everybody wants to label everything we have. You know, as they call it, the ABCD community, you know the alphabet community, and you know I say people choose to be how you want to be. But I feel like what the problem is is everybody is seeking validation and this only shows that you're still so stuck in this personified idea of self that you have not become conscious that you simply are a spiritual being having a human experience. And so in the post, I was just kind of laughing and I said you know, I'm just going to start calling people human and if they don't like that, I'm just going to start saying alien. But ultimately, what I was getting at and what I went on to say in the post was that it doesn't really matter what I call myself, it doesn't matter what you call me. You could walk up to me right now and say, hey, you're an apple. I'm going to laugh at you and I'm just not even from a space of like trying to be condescending, or it's just going to be very comical.
Speaker 1:And I think where we are in humanity is very comical when you look at it from a state of awareness, when you realize that nothing means anything until you say it means something. The moment you say it means something and then you give that meaning to it and you give an identity to it and you give your power to it in your world experience, in your perception, that's how you're going to begin to identify with the experience of that thing. And so, for me, I observed the world. Humans are very interesting to me. Here we are, these God beings, these energetic, conscious beings with the potential of pure magic to create whatever it is that we desire from the most beautiful of experiences and we are creating from such a finite reality.
Speaker 1:We are so focused on the finiteness of trying to define and make sense of things and identify and then get the validation, and then to get people to believe with us and see how I see and believe how I believe and do what I do, because this is true and this is real. All of that is relative. All of it is relative. Everything about your life, everything that you perceive. Everything you think is all relative. Nothing means anything until you say it means something. And so when we look at the collective consciousness, when we are talking about things like government, religion, you know, politics, social conditions, all these things, these are nothing but a compilation of belief systems, ideas and perspectives that people have given meaning to, to try to define or assess what this experience we call life is, or what their personal experience is or will or can be. And this is all a part of the noise, this is all a part of the delusion. You believe that everything that you think, you believe that everything that you think, say and do is real. And it's not. It's just relative. It's relative to what you, as a divine creator, say. It is for you. And sure you may meet other people who believe like you, who think like you, who want to be held in this finite state of mind like you, because this world is so real to you. But at the end of the day, as I've said before, as I've said in the previous podcast, none of it is real.
Speaker 1:This entire experience is a rented experience and it's not about trying to validate everything and give meaning to everything. It's about experiencing everything unattached from a meaning, experiencing it from a creative and powerful state, seeing what we can do with it, seeing what we can manifest with it, seeing how far we can expand it. But what we're doing, when we're trying to label and validate and explain away and, you know, compartmentalize all of these things, what we're doing is constricting the experience. And then we wonder again why everybody is so frustrated, why everybody is so disconnected. Because that's what happens when you become constricted. That's what happens when you become so stuck in a reality or an illusion or delusion that you have made so real that you don't move, you don't even see your power anymore, even though you are the one power powering, even though you are the one powering the entire delusion, the entire illusion, the entire matrix experience. And then you're collectively connecting to others who have also bought into that experience.
Speaker 1:The more I've spent time in silence, the more I have spent time with myself, the more I've realized just the finiteness of what this human experience has been turned into, not what it is. What it has been turned into. For me, the human experience is a journey. It is nothing more than a journey of me experiencing a different aspect of creation of the universe, of this extra sensory, perceptive or extra sensory perceived idea that we call life. My kids don't even belong to me. This breath doesn't even belong to this body. It's free, and so is everyone else in this existence. How they define their reality, what they give meaning to is what constricts them. Even what I'm saying right now ultimately means nothing, but what you give meaning to in what I say will mean something to you Because, as a creator, whatever you think about, whatever you give power to, is what things become, and so I don't give power to things that constrict me.
Speaker 1:I have the experience, I assess the experience. I get to experience different relationships with different energies, different people quote unquote and I get to decide what this means for me. I get to decide what this experience is for me. Nothing less, nothing more. I get to choose whether I create joyful experiences or miserable experiences. I get to choose whether I live a life of love or I live a life of fear. I get to choose whether I'm going to complain or whether I'm going to be proactive, productive, progressive and expansive in my life. It's all a choice, but at the end of the day, my life is my reality. I choose what my reality or what my relative experience is going to be, and it is no one else's responsibility to decide that for me.
Speaker 1:I don't seek validation from other people for my life, because they will never walk in my shoes, they will never perceive my experiences, they will never know what it feels like for me. And because I know that and because I honor every moment, because I honor every experience, I don't really need to be focused on any of that. That's the noise. I simply wake up every day with this breath, experiencing this body that is expressing itself in form as this, as this idea that the world knows as Princeton. And it's that simple. And so I asked myself what do I want to use Princeton for in the world? What do I want to experience through this experience of Princeton? Who do I want to experience? Or rather, what energies, relationships, opportunities, creativities or gifts do I want to give birth to?
Speaker 1:In this experience, I am so conscious of my power to choose and my power of relativity, to assess and give power to the things that either light me up or bring darkness or the absence of light into my life, and this takes a higher level of awareness. See, everybody wants to be heard, everybody wants to be seen, everybody wants to be understood, and all of this is noise. I used to be, I used to be in that space, I used to think like that, I used to feel that way. Even me doing this podcast, this is me simply sharing my experience, and there are going to be people, energetically, who connect to what I'm saying, who are going to listen to what I'm saying and they're just going to be like wow, like that's for me. I don't want to be attached to the noise, I just want to be, I just want to experience my life. I just want to give birth to new things, because it's not promised that I'm going to get to do it tomorrow.
Speaker 1:But once this finite experience that we call life is done, in this dispensation of time, I'm going to enter into an entirely different experience. I'm going to enter into an entirely new space and I'm going to get to experience things in a whole new way that this version of Princeton won't exist in, but I, as a divine, creative being, will exist in death. Even that is an illusion, it's just an idea. It's going to happen, it's a part of the process. But energy never dies. Spirit never dies. It only takes on new form. It can't be destroyed, it only takes on new form. And so if I am conscious of that, then I understand just how formless I am. And so, by trying to define and give meaning to everything, what I do is I condense the form, I go into a state of delusion in this experience that I call my life, I go into a state of illusion in the matrix that we call this collective experience.
Speaker 1:But it's time to break free. It's time to wake up from the delusion. It's time to break free from the delusion, the illusion and the matrix. It's time to own our power as divine creators, creating and choosing the experiences of this thing we call life. Now you look at your relationships, you look at the current reality that you have manifested as a, as a, as a divine creator. As you assess that, don't judge it. Don't judge it and complain about it and give these negative meanings to it. It means nothing. It means nothing, no matter what happens. It only means or becomes what you identify or give meaning to it for it to be.
Speaker 1:And I can keep saying that, but I'm saying it because I really need you to comprehend this thing. I really need you to understand that this is the truth that will set you free If you learn to just live in a state of love, find peace in simply enjoying the experience, letting go of what doesn't bring joy and peace into your life, taking back your ability of self-awareness, self-control in order to control how you choose to respond, because we all know you can't control all the externals. You can only ever control how you choose to respond and create in your life. And so I want to really just drive that home, and I really want people to get it, because I used to be lost, very lost, but now I'm free in my life and I get to guide other people to that freedom. I get to guide other people to that deeper state of being. I get to create spaces that challenge people to go within to really look at this idea of self and this reality that they have created and given so much meaning to, and I get to help them, or assist them, rather, in getting back to a place where they begin to define it differently. They begin to create something different, and this is what I want for you guys. I want you guys to start tapping into being newness in every moment, being expressive in every moment, being powerful in every moment and really utilizing what you have been given in your life to create this life.
Speaker 1:As you begin to process following this podcast, as you begin to think about where you currently are, as you begin to assess what you have given meaning to, as you begin to really look at the life that you're creating and the experience that you're having in this collective experience, I want you to really take a step back and I want you to ask yourself what means what to me? What means joy to me? What means peace to me? What means love to me? What means success to me? What means happiness to me? What means fear to me? And I want you to really think about just how finite all those things are, because even if you think about the experience, what used to mean love to me doesn't mean love to me.
Speaker 1:So my experience in love is completely different. I used to see love as an emotion. Now I see love as a state of being. I used to see relationships as a simple, finite experience, but now I see it as an opportunity to engage, to connect at a deeper level, to experience the relative world of someone else that either is connected at a deeper level with me or a deeper level of their experience, and I get to share in that experience. I have no attachment to them as far as them belonging to me, because ultimately, as I said earlier, nothing belongs to me. I simply get to experience it in the rented time that I have here. I don't get caught up in all the noise and all the drama and even the aspect of in the spiritual space. Again, I'm going there and I'm talking about things that I know people have given deep thought into as far as their finite brains and their conceptual ideas of things.
Speaker 1:But even with the idea of healing, one thing you hear a lot of, especially on social media nowadays, is you have to allow yourself to heal. Well, the way that I perceive healing is completely different. I don't see healing as a process of mending something that is broken or something that is wrong with me. I see healing as a process of waking up to me, see, because when I am no longer attached to what happened or what is, or who did what and how they did it, and I'm not giving meaning to everything, then it simply was an experience that I get to choose what I give an identity or a meaning to and then, energetically, I get to take that energy into my state of being and I get to process that energy from whichever state of awareness that I've now given it meaning to. But when I wake up and I realize that ultimately it means nothing, the longer I focus on there being something wrong with me. This happened to me, that happened to me. This happened. You experience something, yes, but it does not define you unless you say that it does.
Speaker 1:I was abused mentally, physically, verbally and emotionally. I was molested. I did struggle with deep depression. I was on drugs. I was an alcoholic. I was an angry individual. I did hate my life. I did hate people. I had many quote unquote traumatic experiences. Quote unquote traumatic experiences in my life, based on how people would define it.
Speaker 1:But the reason I was able to grow beyond it and I don't see it as that anymore is that now I simply see every aspect of life as an experience that is passing by. I don't attach to it. See, the process of healing for a lot of people takes a long time or the process of waking up from the lie that you have been broken and you have been wronged and someone did this to you and how they did it to you wasn't right. These belief system, these labels, these ideas are what is keeping you in this idea of being unhealed? But when I recognize that, wait a minute, I am not. This body, this body experience things in this human, finite experience that you may label as not right, not good, bad, wrong, but ultimately it was just an experience. It was something that happened and I stored the energy in my body at one point and I kept feeling the experience of that energetic exchange. Now, in the collective, we feel the energetic exchange of the turmoil, the dramas, the traumas, the wars, all of these different things, and we collectively give meaning to it all. We collectively give meaning to the experience, identity to the experience from a finite state of awareness, because we need to identify, or rather we choose to identify it in order to point it out and judge it, critique it, give our energy to it and empower it. But the moment we stop doing that, we start taking our power back from it, we start waking up, we start realizing that it is what it is. This experience that was challenging, if I choose to see it is that, or I could say, man, after I wake up, it was just a dream.
Speaker 1:Don Miguel Ruiz talks about this in his book the Mastery of Love. How imagine that you're in this world and everyone in this world is stuck in this dream. They don't touch each other, they don't connect with each other. They're all stuck in this dream, this illusion of pain. They don't wanna bump into each other, so on and so forth. He goes into the story. If you have not read the book the Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz, check it out, you won't be disappointed. But he says imagine that one day you wake up and you're not wounded anymore. But you look around and everyone else is. And he just goes into this beautiful explanation.
Speaker 1:But that's how it was for me. I woke up one day and I realized that wait a minute by the very nature of me defining myself as hurt or unhealed or broken or wrong or not good, which were all things that were programmed into me or domesticated into me from the time that I was a little child, by the very nature of me giving meaning to them. And then, as I get older, I start domesticating myself into these belief systems, these ideas, so on and so forth. I am creating the experience, or how I perceive the experience. I create my perpetual hell, or I can create my perpetual joy, my perpetual peace, my perpetual connection to the experience. This is what becoming more aware and more conscious does to your life, and it makes you like an alien in the world, because you're no longer stuck in the delusion, you're no longer stuck in the illusion, you're no longer stuck in the lie.
Speaker 1:And so I wanna challenge you guys really begin to look at what you give meaning to. Why do you give so much power to these little finite things we call words? Why do you give so much power to these little finite things that we call belief systems? It's all BS and it's all hindering your life experience. It's all hindering how you show up and how you can connect to, or not connect to, every breath of the life that you live. And I know for some people, because of what you've given meaning to, because of what other people have said, so on and so forth, you have gotten lost in a lot of these belief systems. So some of what I'm saying will challenge you. It won't feel good because you have given so much meaning to it, the belief that none of this means anything. It almost feels empty to you.
Speaker 1:But the moment you realize that, in the finiteness of the experience and none of it meaning anything, that simply means that you, as a divine creator, get to choose what it means for you. Now, does that mean you didn't have the experiences that you've had? No, it was an experience. But I get to choose. You know, sometimes people will ask me you know? Or they will. Sometimes people will say to me, man, that's so sad that you went through that. And I say you know, I'm grateful With every one thing that I experienced. It shattered the shell of the former version of me or idea of self that I thought was Princeton. But Princeton is nothing more than an idea. That's it. Princeton is not who my mom says. Princeton is not who my dad says. Maybe in their perception of the world and their relative experience, that's what Princeton is. But Princeton is just an idea that I get to express to the world, and I know this sounds very alien to a lot of people. It sounds very foreign. It sounds very foreign to this human experience that people have been programmed into.
Speaker 1:This is why society, religion, politics, all these things can control you, because you don't know what you are. You don't know that you are a kingdom of dominion, experience. And this is what, ultimately, jesus was trying to get people to see, or Yeshua, his original name. This is what he was trying to get people to see is that you are not the experience. You do not belong to the government, you do not belong to a religion, you are none of these things. That is a lie. Repent that word, repentance in the Aramaic language, illustrates a coming back to a remembering, a waking up. So ultimately he was saying wake up, remember what you are, beyond this idea of who you think you are. Seek the kingdom.
Speaker 1:Jesus or Yeshua always talked about the kingdom in which, he said, is in you or in this personified idea of self. He said seek the first, the kingdom. He said don't worry about what you're going to eat, don't worry about what you're going to wear, don't worry about where you're going to live, don't even worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough concerns of its own. Instead, seek you first, the kingdom and all these things shall be added. How? Because the moment I realized that I am not bound by my position. I am not bound by my experience, but rather I am creating my experience, because I am no longer worried about it, because I am now aware of what's happening. This is the freedom, he said. When you know the truth, the truth shall set you free. See, now, I'm not missing the mark, I'm not living in quote unquote San, so to speak. San is actually a military term that they used to use when an archer would fire at a target. If they missed the mark, they would yell San.
Speaker 1:And so, ultimately, imagine that every time you're aiming to identify and describe or understand or give meaning to something on the external that you identify with, you're missing the mark. What you should be aiming towards is the internal. What you should be aiming towards is the fact that you have no attachment to anything in this world. None of it is binding you. It is your belief that it is that's binding you. It is the belief that you are bad, that you are wrong, that you are not good, that you are failing, that you are not worthy, that you don't deserve love, that you'll never be successful, that you'll never have a nice house, that you'll never have a nice car, you'll never have enough money. You weren't raised in the right environment, still didn't give you what you needed, you didn't feel supported. On and on and on and on and on.
Speaker 1:We go creating, identifying, magnifying and empowering our own prisons. But if we want to break free from the delusion, the illusion and the matrix. We must learn to turn within. We must learn to look within ourselves and understand that anything that we present to the world, that anything that we present to the world, is just an experience, an idea that people will connect to or not connect to, believe or not believe, give meaning to or not give meaning to. And regardless of what they choose to do, it is not my responsibility or I do not have to give meaning to it. I don't even have to give power to it. But what I will empower is my experience to be present, true present. And awareness is about disconnecting from the external experience that you identify with, being present in the moment, observing the moment without giving meaning to the moment. It's about choosing in each moment what you will empower with your power, and so I want you guys to think about that today.
Speaker 1:If you've been feeling stuck, you've been feeling like you're not moving, you're not navigating, you're not experiencing the life that you really want, it's because you're so caught up in the noise You're still seeking validation, you're still externally giving meaning to things based on belief systems that have been domesticated and programmed into you, but the moment you realize that, ultimately, it means nothing. Until you say it means something, nothing will change. Change is the only constant. It's always happening.
Speaker 1:But because we attach two meanings definitive, personified ideas to self the mask that we create, the collective consciousness and all the multitudes of ideas, perspectives and meanings and all these different things that society has created, the world has created and these systems perpetually manipulate us into. The more we do that, the more lost we become. We become the blind following the blind. But the moment we begin to see, we realize that we don't have to live in the dream, we realize that we don't have to live in the mask, we realize that we don't have to measure ourselves or be validated by ideas of self, because, ultimately, what I choose to be, what I choose to experience, what I choose to give meaning to, is going to be the things that bring more peace into my life, bring more presence into my life, enhance the experience in the moments of this lifetime in which I get to experience, because I'm only here for a moment, I'm only here for a divine season, and when that season is up, the experience on this plane of experience will also be up. So let's start looking more clearly into the mirror of our experience. What have you given meaning to? What have you given identity to? Are you truly ready to break free? Are you truly ready to wake up from the dream of the delusion, the illusion and the matrix? I'm going to leave you guys with that and I want you to really take time to think on it. You may have to go back and listen to this podcast over and over and over again, but you will also notice if you go back and listen to previous episodes. You'll also notice the different ways that I have grown and evolved to get to this point.
Speaker 1:But you know, this is why I decided to host the new, rejuvenated soul retreat Again. That's going to be happening here in Scottsdale, arizona, may the 27th through the 30th, and I invite you. It's going to be an intimate event. There's only going to be 10 people staying on location and there are, I believe, four king beds left individual rooms and then there's two shared rooms that are left two queen beds in one room and three queen beds in another room. But the location is beautiful. If you want more information, the link is going to be in the show notes or you can just go if you're listening right now in front of a computer, or you can just look it up as you're listening. Go to my website, princetonclarkcom, but I'll be putting all the information down below.
Speaker 1:If you are ready to break free from the matrix, you are ready to break free from the noise and this is really speaking to you right now You're ready to wake up from the delusion, you're ready to wake up from the illusion, you're ready to wake up from the matrix and the dream of the pain of this world. If you're really ready, I invite you to join me. You may be saying, ok, I'm ready, but I want to work with someone, one on one. I need a guide. If that's, you, reach out to me on my website Again, that's PrincetonClarkcom and really take a look at it, read into it. There's a lot of information there.
Speaker 1:But if you are ready for a deeper experience, if you're ready to create more experience, more whether it's personally, professionally, relationally, mentally, emotionally, physically if you're ready to move more deeply into the experience of your life, this basic understanding is the root of all of those things and, as I always say, you are the root to the tree of your life. If you're not manifesting the root or, excuse me, if you're not manifesting the fruit, it's because the root is off. It's because you've disconnected, you're not rooted in, and so I want to guide you to that place that unlocks that deeper awareness, that unlocks that deeper connection, and if that's what you're ready for, reach out to me. If you don't follow me on social media, follow me at PrincetonClark.
Speaker 1:I share a lot of different things. I've worked in the professional space. If you're new to the podcast, again, I've worked with people like Tony Robbins, dean Grazio see, you know so many others. You know my earlier mentors and teachers that I've worked with, as I said in previous podcasts, or Dr Wayne Dyer, les Brown, zig Ziglar different people that I've experienced, you know, in the experience of their lives. But ultimately, nothing has taught me more than my own spirit, Nothing has taught me more than connecting to the deeper levels of me, and so the reason that I can move the way that I do isn't because of some religion or some collective belief. It's because of an awareness, and awareness will always trump belief, because belief is based on idea. Awareness is based on a state of being.
Speaker 1:Thank you, guys for tuning into this episode of Evolved Mastery. I truly appreciate your time. If you've listened all the way through this podcast, then I believe that you're truly on the journey You're truly seeking. Your soul is speaking to you and calling you forward to wake up. Now is your season, now is your time. You are more powerful, more beautiful than you could ever imagine, but it's time to realize that there is so many other experiences within you that you have the power to create, and I'm just here as a guide on the journey to assist you in finding your own path. Have a great one, guys. I appreciate you.
Speaker 1:As I said, moving into season three, things are going to go deeper.
Speaker 1:The connections are going to jail, things are going to finally start making sense for you, and so I asked you subscribe to the podcast, leave a rating, leave a review, share it with your friends, share it with those around you.
Speaker 1:If this impacted your life, you helped me to illuminate the lives of other people, to wake them up from the dream of the matrix, the delusions, the illusions, the ideas, the meanings and all the noise. You assist me in that process, so continue to stay engaged. If you enjoyed this, also reach out to me on social media. Let me know what you think. If you want to connect with me on other platforms, just again go to my website at PrincetonClarkecom at PrincetonClarkecom and all my social links are also there. But there's going to be other ways that you can engage. If you're an entrepreneur, if maybe you're being challenged relationally, you know you want advice I can address from a space of we can dive into all of that, but all you got to do is reach out. You have not because you ask not, but so much love to you guys. Thanks again and I'll be talking to you guys again soon.